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8 Failford Road, Darawank NSW 2428

20 Car

4.04 ac

330 m²

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8 Failford Road, Darawank NSW 2428

20 Car

4.04 ac

330 m²

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Welcome to 8 Failford Road, Darawank NSW 2430. This property is located on the intersection point of Failford Road and The Lakes Way – two of the major feeder roads between the tourism town of Forster Tuncurry and the national Highway. Current RMS/Council traffic data shows vehicle movements of **33,000 per day. The Lakes Way is also the main link road between the Great Lakes regional centre and the transactional centre of Taree in the Manning Valley.

This unique, commercial/residential property consists of:
* Multi-purpose site which has a commercial lease until 31 May 2026 for a café & op-shop plus income from outdoor advertising signage.
* 2 separate galleries/floor spaces.
* Disabled access toilet.
* Disabled access ramps.
* Ample onsite parking for 20 cars +
* Separate residential granny flat with large bedroom, ensuite and wooden flooring; ideal accommodation for the business owner. Has been previously used for AirBnB.
* Positioned on approximately 4 acres

*Commercial premises & granny flat: 330 m²

*4.035 acres approx

* Zoning: RU2 Rural Landscape.

Permissible uses:
Caravan Parks, Animal boarding or training establishments, Dual occupancies, Centre-based child care facilities, Information and education facilities, Kiosks, Plant nurseries, Veterinary hospitals etc.

For further information, including Information Memorandum, please contact Luke Crane on 0419 279 776 or Steve Attkins on 0488 788 169.

** This data has been received from Midcoast Council and we are not liable for its accuracy.

Disclaimer: All information contained herein is gathered from relevant third party sources. We cannot guarantee or give any warranty about the information provided. Interested parties must rely solely on their own enquiries.


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